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Bansko Grand Complex

Bansko Grand Complex is a luxury development in the pretty mountain town and resort of Bansko. The town itself lies at 925m above sea level (3,000 ft) on the banks of the Glazne River at the foothills of the Pirin Mountains listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Bansko is a charming ski resort only recently discovered by foreigners. It is just 160 km south of Sofia along a first class road. There are direct flights to Sofia from the UK. The resort offers a diversity of tourist attractions, snow sports and nightlife. A cable car lift has been constructed (ready for the 2003/2004 season) connecting the town to the slopes, and six new slopes has been developed. Now there is a total of 65 km of ski and snowboard runs, 30 km of which are equipped with facilities for artificial snow produced by 44 TechnoAlpin cannons. The capacity of all the equipment in the ski zone above Bansko allows 6,000 skiers to ski simultaneously. Built in the traditional for the town architectural style, Bansko Grand Complex is only five minutes walk away from the Gondola lift station, fifteen minutes from the historic town centre and near many newly-built restaurants, bars and pubs. Why Bansko Grand Complex ? • Holiday properties with SPA facilities and all year round rental potential; • The largest SPA centre in Bansko; • All apartments with lovely mountain views; • Less than 10 minutes walk to gondola lift station; • Less than 15 minutes walk to the historic town centre; • Perfect environment for living, entertainment and relaxing private area; • Excellent rental return; • Property size optimized for a maximum rent per sq. m.; • Special artistic indoor and outdoor design by established designers; • Off-plan payment plan; • Disabled people service; • Maintenance service; Features: The complex stands on an area of 13,000 square meters and comprises a SPA centre, restaurant, bar, private parking and other facilities. It faces south-southwest and has magnificent views to the Pirin and Rila Mountains. The complex is built in three sections in a semi-oval shape to guarantee sunshine and clear mountain views to all apartments. There are 177 luxury apartments: 106 studios, 65 one-bedroom apartments and 6 two-bedroom apartments. Facilities: •SPA centre - the largest in Bansko - Fitness - 40 different devices for cardio, aerobic and anaerobic exercises - Thermal swimming pool with 40 degrees hot mineral water - Jacuzzi with mineral salts and algae - Tangentor - Solarium - horizontal and vertical - Sauna - 65 and 85 degrees - Steam and mineral bath - Massages - classical, aromatherapy, sports, reflexotheraphy, milk and honey, coffee and chocolate, indonesian, kinesotheraphy, anticelulite, lomi-lomi, remedial, cryotheraphy, cosmetical, parafango, vacuum, bodyrepping, algae, regenerating - Organized exercises in aerobics, kalanetics, kick-box, stretching, belly dances, tae-bo, step, fit step, pilates, tae chi, yoga •Mineral water swimming pool - 36oC •Underwater massage jets •Two saunas - 85oC and 65oC •Traditional and aroma steam bath •Relaxation area •Jacuzzi •Two massage rooms •200 m gym area •Outdoor curling rink •Ski wardrobe •Safe deposit boxes •Left-luggage room •Shuttle bus to the ski lift •Restaurant and Garden •Night club •Children’s playground •Kindergarten •Internet club •Ground and underground garages with 110 parking spaces Outdoor arrangement: •Landscaped communal gardens •Fountain and statues in the garden •Ice statues in winter Surrounding environment and neighborhoods: Bansko Grand Complex does not simply consist of residential apartments. It is an environment suitable for living, recreation and entertainment for adults, teenagers and children. In the neighborhood you can find the popular Prespa, Teramo, Demianitza, New & Old Inn Complexes, Perun, Lion, Tanne, BelleView, Tamplier and Kempinski Grand Arena Hotels and the initial Gondola lift station - all of them within 2 to 5 minutes walk. The construction of 2 golf courses at a distance of only 5 km from the hotel has been started and the Old Town of Bansko is just 10 – 15 minutes on foot. There are more than 8 restaurants, 5 bars and several Irish pubs in the area. Property Information Apartments: •All apartments with mountain views •Fitted heating throughout •Large apartments with fireplaces •Italian terracotta floor tiles throughout •Fully fitted bathrooms •All apartments have thermal, noise and hydro insulation •The wide and spacious apartments are from 29 to 130 m2 and vary from studios to two-bedrooms. •The apartments are offered finished and furnished. "Finished" means with flooring and bathroom units. Bathrooms and WCs are fully equipped. “Furnished” means with kitchen units with appliances, complete furnished living and bed rooms. Maintenance: The maintenance of the common property, such as landscaped areas, corridors, systems, machines, etc., together with the security of the premises, is taken care of by professional staff. According to your wish, the staff can make all necessary arrangements for your arrival and be available throughout your stay. Services provided for additional payment: •Custom-made furnishing •Insurance •Rent-a-car •Pick-up service •Payment of running accounts (i.e. electricity & water bills, taxes, etc.) Construction schedule: •Foundations - April 2007 •Roofing - October 2007 •Completion - September 2008 Activities: Skiing, snowboarding, fishing, horse riding, golf, tennis, conducted tours to Pirin National Park, heel-and-toe walk, thermal spring water bathing, sightseeing,parachutism, spa procedures and treatment, massage, hunting, night-time amusements.

Informations: Ref.: 217

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Costruzioni, ristrutturazioni, manutenzioni, acquisti, vendite, gestioni, locazioni, permute di immobili residenziali, industriali, navi, aeromobili, finanziamenti, assistenza legale Constructions, restructures, maintenances, purchases, sales, managements, leases, exchanges of residential, industrial pieces of real estate, ships, aircrafts, financings, legal attendance Area Immobiliare Costruzioni di immobili residenziali e industriali, ristrutturazioni, manutenzioni, acquisti, vendite, gestioni, locazioni, permute. Aperture di agenzie in franchising. Area Navale Costruzioni di navi, di yachts, di imbarcazioni, domotica, ristrutturazioni, acquisti, vendite, noleggi, gestioni, permute, servizi di charter e brokeraggio. Area Aerea Costruzioni di aeromobili, ristrutturazioni, vendite, gestioni, noleggi, permute, servizi di charter e brokeraggio. Area Generale Acquisti vendite gestioni di aziende private, finanziamenti e leasing di immobili, navi, yachts, imbarcazioni, aeromobili, veicoli industriali, automobili e altri beni targati, assistenza legale alle imprese, partecipazioni in altre società. REAL ESTATE AREA Buildings of industrial and residential real estate, renovations, maintenances, purchases, sales, management, rentings, exchanges of real properties. Opening of franchising branches. NAVAL AREA Buildings of ships, yachts, boats, renovations, purchases, sales, rentals, management, permutations, charter and brokering services. AEREAL AREA Buildings of aircrafts, renovations, sales, management, rentals, trades-in, charter and brokering services. GENERAL AREA Purchases, sales, management of private business. Granting of loans and leasing of real estates, ships, yachts, boats, aircrafts, industrial vehicles, cars and other goods numbered. Legal services for firms Sharing in other societies Area Immobiliare La RM Real Estate srl coordina strategicamente le operazioni finanziarie di gruppi industriali, imprese, singole o associate, privati, professionisti, e altre categorie di utenti che intendono investire nelle costruzioni di immobili industriali o residenziali, effettuare ristrutturazioni e manutenzioni dei medesimi. Facilita acquisti, vendite, gestioni, locazioni e permute di immobili, in Italia e all’estero, anche utilizzando unicamente il sito internet della società. Individua i potenziali investimenti, ne valuta e analizza insieme con gli interessati i rischi e il potenziale rendimento, realizzando la propria attività di servizi reali alle imprese in funzione del bene trattato e delle caratteristiche del cliente. Svolge con velocità e professionalità l’erogazione dei servizi. Perché investire nell’ immobiliare. L’investimento immobiliare è una delle principali forme di impiego del risparmio. Le ragioni di questa consapevolezza sono fondamentalmente due: la prima è il valore economico e riguarda la capacità dell’immobile di apprezzarsi nel tempo, tutelando il capitale investito dall’inflazione; la seconda è il valore utilitaristico che è costituito dal desiderio del singolo di essere proprietario della casa in cui vive. La storia del mercato immobiliare conferma che il capitale investito nell’acquisto di immobili, siano essi di uso residenziale o industriale, non è stato vano: il valore spesso si raddoppia nel giro di pochi anni, le rendite monetarie ottenute grazie ai canoni di locazione sono sempre cospicue. L’importante è saper affrontare l’investimento nel modo giusto. E il modo migliore di farlo è essere assistiti da persone esperte e qualificate che sappiano guidare ognuno secondo le proprie esigenze in modo serio e responsabile. È proprio per questo motivo che la RM Real Estate srl nella gestione dell’area immobiliare, avvalendosi di partners qualificati, pone alla clientela una serie di servizi che facilitano la scelta del miglior investimento. Per le attività locali di compravendita e locazione di immobili la RM Real Estate srl prevede la possibilità di aprire studi immobiliari in franchising, ai quali saranno consentiti, nelle forme di legge, l’uso del marchio registrato e delle relazioni umane ed economiche della società holding. La RM Real Estate srl, avvalendosi di un team di consulenti immobiliari qualificati, garantisce la possibilità di adoperare il sito internet, attraverso la posta elettronica o specifici forum, per ricevere consulenza per quanto riguarda tutte le scelte relative alla compravendita di immobili, alla locazione, al finanziamento ed al relativo investimento. AREA VACANZE Coordina le operazioni finanziarie e immobiliari di coloro che intendono locare, annualmente, od occasionalmente, appartamenti in capitali europee e in città d’arte, o di locare immobili privati, suites o camere di alberghi importanti e prestigiosi in luoghi di villeggiatura. Come l’acquisto di un immobile, il progetto di una vacanza costituisce una scelta attenta e quindi deve essere affrontato con creatività e responsabilità. Pertanto la RM Real Estate srl guida nella scelta dell’immobile adeguato alla propria vacanza e al tipo di stagione con sobrietà, eleganza e praticità. Area Navale La professionalità e l’affidabilità nelle esecuzioni dei servizi reali all’impresa qualificano la RM Real Estate srl quale società competente e altamente specializzata, adeguata ad intraprendere rapporti duraturi e vantaggiosi con i maggiori cantieri navali nazionali e internazionali. Infatti la RM Real Estate srl coordina le attività finanziarie di gruppi industriali, imprese, singole o associate, privati, professionisti, e altre categorie di utenti che intendono investire nel settore utilizzando le migliori formule giuridiche, economiche e contrattuali per contribuire, singolarmente o insieme con altri imprenditori, alla crescita della produzione di navi e di yachts e alle relative vendite e usi. Create le opportune condizioni la RM Real Estate srl assiste la clientela nell’attività di intermediazione attivandosi con i suoi consulenti per ottenere le migliori condizioni economiche per quanto riguarda acquisti e vendite di imbarcazioni all’insegna dell’eleganza, del comfort e della tecnologia. Uno staff esperto e fidato guida il cliente nella scelta di prodotti di alta qualità e all’avanguardia nel mercato. La RM Real Estate srl include tra i suoi servizi quelli di charter e brokeraggio curando il noleggio di yachts o di barche a vela di proprietà di armatori privati. Su richiesta della clientela la RM Real Estate srl può offrire, garantendo una serie di vantaggi economici e pratici, barche esclusive adeguate alle proprie esigenze, dalle piccole barche destinate alle escursioni costiere fino ai superyachts per crociere riservate a chi esige sia il massimo comfort sia l’ eleganza. Il noleggio può avere luogo anche per scopi diversi da quello della classica vacanza, ossia per grandi eventi, conferenze, incontri formali organizzati da società o multinazionali. Yachts dotati di sale capaci di ospitare conferenze stampa o convention possono soddisfare le esigenze lavorative della clientela più esigente. La RM Real Estate srl cura il restyling o il refitting di yachts e megayachts di gran classe, individuando soluzioni tecniche innovative volte a garantire l’ eleganza delle linee esterne e il comfort degli interni. Un gusto fine per la tecnologia la rende anche una società competente nel campo della domotica. Per tutta l’attività di intermediazione è possibile raggiungere condizioni finanziarie vantaggiose ottenute in base ad accordi stipulati con le migliori banche nazionali e con primarie società di leasing. Area Aerea La professionalità e le relazioni imprenditoriali che la RM Real Estate srl intrattiene nel settore di riferimento la rendono una società adatta ad affiancare le compagnie aeree, sia per uso commerciale sia per uso privato, per progetti di espansione commerciale sia in paesi europei sia in paesi extraeuropei. La RM Real Estate srl coordina e pianifica l’attività finanziaria di gruppi industriali del settore. Avvalendosi di personale esperto e qualificato può curare operazioni di acquisto e vendita di aeromobili di linea, aerei commerciali, aerei privati, elicotteri, assicurando una collaborazione seria e vantaggiosa. Cura attività di charter e brokeraggio con selezionate e qualificate compagnie aeree. Avvalendosi dell’affidabilità lavorativa dei suoi partners è in grado di fornire alla clientela le condizioni migliori per viaggi altamente personalizzati, programmati ed eseguiti con stile e praticità. Tutti coloro, privati o agenzie di viaggio, che, per ragioni lavorative e non, vogliono noleggiare un aereo privato possono ricevere assistenza e consulenza con il vantaggio di un viaggio facile ed esclusivo. Attraverso i partners finanziari attiva le migliori relazioni e formule contrattuali per favorire ottimi finanziamenti e leasing per l’acquisto, la vendita, la locazione di aeromobili. Area Generale Di completamento delle prime, ma autonoma anche per le singole funzioni specifiche in essa previste, l’area generale tratta acquisti, vendite, gestioni annuali o di medio periodo, di aziende private. Per far fronte al problema della sottocapitalizzazione delle imprese, coordina attività di investimento nel capitale di rischio di un’ impresa, sia nelle fasi di crescita e di sviluppo, sia nelle fasi iniziali del ciclo di vita aziendale, coordina ed attua le operazioni finanziarie di Private Equity e Venture Capital. Assiste l’utenza nella stesura del Business Plan al fine di ottimizzare le potenzialità del progetto di impresa delineando, e quindi quantificando, il profilo dei rischi finanziari e permettendo all’imprenditore di avere chiari i termini dell’impegno del Private Equity. Concorda e offre, tramite i partners finanziari, finanziamenti vantaggiosi e personalizzati, finanche alcuni a totale copertura dell’investimento, al fine di consentire all’utente maggiore o minore, sia per ragioni proprie di convenienza, sia per temporanee mancanze di liquidità totale della somma, di poter conseguire il bene desiderato provvedendo nel tempo all’estinzione del costo, lavorando con primarie banche nazionali e primarie finanziarie, di proprietà bancaria, specializzate nei leasing di immobili, navi, yachts, imbarcazioni, aeromobili, veicoli industriali, automobili e altri beni targati. A completamento la clientela ha la consulenza fiscale, giuridica e contrattuale curata dai suoi partners, selezionati con serietà e professionalità, con il fine di realizzare gli investimenti migliori utilizzando le migliori formule normative e contrattuali elaborate dalla dottrina giuridica, economica e fiscale, sia nazionale sia internazionale, e dalla giurisprudenza. Può, su richiesta dell’utenza e in collaborazione con le migliori imprese edili e i migliori cantieri navali, attuare e coordinare le attività di ristrutturazione di edifici o restyling di yachts, garantendo ottime costruzioni e qualità in relazione al prezzo finale. Real Estate RM Real Estate ltd coordinates the financial activities of industrial groups, enterprises (both single and associated ones), private subjects, experts, and other categories of customers who mean to invest in buildings of industrial or residencial kind, or to make renovations and maintenance. It facilitates purchases, sales, management, rentals and exchanges of real properties, in Italy and abroad, even by the firm’s web site. It identifies the possible investments, it estimates and analyses the possible return together with customers, organizing its activity of real services to enterprises all around the real estate considered and the customer’s charachteristics. RM Real Estate ltd carries out its services with rapidity and professionality. Why to invest in real estate. The real estate investment is one of the main forms of capital usage. The reasons for that are the following ones: the first reason is the monetary value and concerns the possibility that the price of the real estate increases over the time, saving the capital invested from inflation; the second reason is one’s desire to be the real owner of the house where one lives at. The real estate market confirms, though its fluctuations, that the money invested in the purchase of real estate, either of industrial or of residencial kind, is never useless: the value often doubles in a few years, and gains obtained through rentals are always conspicuous. The thing is to be able to do the business in the right way. The best way to do it is being assisted by expert and qualified people who can lead the customer according to demands in a competent and responsible way. That is why RM Real Estate ltd, together with professional partners, offers a list of services which can make the choice for a good investment easier. For local activities of transaction and rentings, RM Real Estate ltd includes the possibility of opening franchising branches, which will be allowed – conforming to the law- to make use of the registered brand and of the human and economic relationships of the holding society. RM Real Estate ltd, thanks to a team of qualified consultants, grants the possibility to use the web site to receive advice (through email or specific forums) about the best choices for real estate transactions, rentings, financing and investments. VACATION AREA RM Real Estate ltd helps concretely the people who want to rent, annually or occasionally, flats in European capitals and in historical artistic towns, it also helps rent private real estates, suites or rooms in luxury hotels located in popular resorts. Like the purchase of a real estate property, planning a holiday is the result of a careful choice, so it has to be carried out with creativity and awareness. RM Real Estate ltd leads the customers to the best choice of the place and the time for a vacation with sobriety, elegance and functional capacity. Naval Area The professionalism and reliability in the achievement of real services to enterprises qualify RM Real Estate ltd as a competent and highly specialized society, adequate to start long-lasting, profitable relationships with the biggest shipyards, both national and international. In fact, RM Real Estate ltd coordinates the financial activities of industrial groups, enterprises, both single or associated ones, private subjects, professional subjects, and other categories of customers who mean to invest in this area using the best jurisdiction, economic and contractual solutions in order to contribute, singularly or together with other entrepreneurs, to the realization of ships and yachts and to the related sales and uses. Once the right conditions are created, RM Real Estate ltd gives assistance to customers in the activity of brokerage, thanks to its consultants, to obtain the best economic conditions concerning purchases and sales of boats following the highest standards of elegance, comfort and technology. A professional, trustworthy staff guides the customers in their choice of top quality products. RM Real Estate ltd also offers chartering and brokering services, being concerned with the charter of yachts or boats belonging to private shipowners. On customer’s demand, RM Real Estate ltd can offer exclusive boats righr for one’s particular needs, granting a lot of practical and economic advantages; there are available manifold possibilities, from small boats for coast excursions to superyachts for cruises reserved to people who require both maximum comfort and elegance. The charter can be aimed even to different kinds of purposes, apart from a classical holiday, like great parties, conferences, formal meetings organized by societies and multinational companies. Yachts provided with rooms which can be ideal for a press conference or a convention can satisfy the work requirements of the most particular customers. RM Real Estate ltd is concerned with the restyling or refitting of top-class yachts and megayachts, selecting modern technical solutions in order to grant the elegance of the external shape with the comfort of the interiors. Concerning the brokerage activity, it is possible to obtain good financial conditions as a consequence of agreements shared with the most reliable national banks and with important leasing societies. Aereal Area The professionalism and the company relationships which RM Real Estate ltd maintains in this specific area make it the right partner to aereal companies which have projects of commercial or private expansion both in and out of Europe. RM Real Estate coordinates and plans the financial activity of industrial groups in this field. Thanks to an expert, qualifies worker staff it can look after the transaction of line aereoplanes, commercial aircrafts, private jets, helicopters, granting a serious, profitable partnership. It keeps chartering and brokering activities with selected and qualified aereal companies. Thanks to the reliability of its partners it can provide the customers with the best conditions for highly personalized travels, planned and performed with style and functionality. All those private subjects or travel agents who want to rent a private jet, can obtain some assistance and advice, taking advantage of an easy and exclusive journey. Through financial partners, it achieves the rightest connections and contracts to allow a very good financing and leasing in order to purchase, sell or rent an aircraft. General Area This area completes the others, but it is also independent in its specific functions; it looks after purchases, sales, yearly or average term administrations of private companies. To face the problem of subcapitalization of firms, it coordinates activities of investment in risk capital of a company during its first steps, but also during its growth and development stages; besides, it coordinates and performs financial operations of Private Equity and Venture Capital. It assists the customers in writing a Business Plan, in order to optimize the potentialities of the firm project, sketching out and quantifying the financial risks, so allowing the entrepreneur to have a clear perspective of the Private Equity business. It fixes and offers, through financial partners, advantageous and personalized funding (up to the whole covering of expenses) in order to allow the customer- who does not own the entire sum momentarily- to purchase the goods desired and gradually pay the sum required, in collaboration with important national banks and investment trust companies, specializes in leasing for real estate properties, ships, yachts, boats, aircrafts, industrial vehicles and other numberplated goods. In addition to all that, the customers may have legal, fiscal and contractual advice thanks to the society’s partners, professionally selected in order to attain the best investments using the best legal and contractual devices in the national and international market. On customers’ demand, the society can carry out and coordinate (as it works with the best builder enterprises and shipyards) renovations of buildings and yachts restyling, granting top class constructions and quality, in comparison with the final cost.